Hard to imagine anything
more self-indulgent than a NEWS page
on a vanity domain, eh?
This is actually news for theogeny.com
also, that site not lending itself to its own news page.
For my daily (or so) rants on subjects besides what has
changed on this site lately, see the
(Also, the Book Notes often get
updated without any mention here.)
Wednesday, May 3, 2017 |
A mere eight or nine years later! After being out of service for oh probably a few
years, bringing the sites back up on the storied panix.com, which is very cool.
Sunday, November 29, 2008 |
Added the 2009
NaNoWriMo novel
to the WORDS page (like clockwork!).
Sunday, November 30, 2008 |
Added the 2007
2008 NaNoWriMo novels
to the WORDS page (lol, one update every three years, eh?).
Sunday, November 27, 2005 |
Added the 2005 NaNoWriMo novel
(yay, us!) to the WORDS page.
Sunday, September 25, 2005 |
Put up a list of links to
various Sims Stories (stories and news and ramblings about
my playings of Maxis's 'Sims' games).
These are updated pretty frequently, so every single
update won't get listed here (the page does have its
own RSS feed for anyone interested.
Saturday, May 14, 2005 |
Added a link from WORDS to
the 2004 NaNoWriMo novel; how could I have
Thursday, May 12, 2005 |
Making PNGs with
alpha-channel transparency in Photoshop.
Because it took me awhile to figure out, and maybe
I can save someone else the work.
Also added a link from WORDS to
Broken Koans.
Wednesday, April 27, 2005 |
one more broken koan
that I'd forgotten about.
Sunday, April 9, 2005 |
Rough draft of the
Broken Koans page,
collecting various bits of quasi-Zen debris from the weblog
and Usenet postings.
Monday, November 3, 2003 |
Added a pointer to the Books pages
(hithertofore mentioned only in the log) to the
WORDS page.
The Books pages are backed up by a sophisticated Content Managment System
(in the form of a like 700-line Perl script), and generated from templates
that make it (comparatively) easy to add fancy stuff like CSS and
valid XML and Creative Commons lisences and all like that there, and
aren't I modern though?
Wednesday, February 26, 2003 |
Added a pointer to the second novel (from NaNoWriMo 2002) to the
WORDS page; dunno why that took me so long.
I really ought to have a separate page about the novels, with
links to both the text and pdf forms (once I've gotten around
to making a pdf of the second one).
Friday, October 25, 2002 |
Added the Metababy Gallery,
with saved snapshots from the vibrant and/or fœtid chaos
that is Metababy.
Tuesday, September 3, 2002 |
Thanks to Google Groups now having Usenet all the way back to like 1990
or 1492 or something, added the classic and long-lost "Hacks, Ties,
and Videotape" posting to the alt.hacks
Wednesday, August 28, 2002 |
A tiny bit of work on the Problems of Consciousness pages, including
some woolgathering on Determinism (see POC
history page).
Tuesday, January 15, 2002 |
yet another nother page of pictures
to the Digital Photographs section; snap snap!
Also added links between the various digicam pages, to reduce
annoyingly long clickpaths.
Saturday, January 5, 2002 |
Put all the postings from the
old forum back up (read-only), because
people keep finding them in websearches (for "funlove" and
"elfbowl"), and I hate broken links.
Friday, December 21, 2001 |
We're back.
Thursday, December 20, 2001 |
Theogeny is now working again!
And I sent the request for davidchess.com and NetSol says they've
processed it, so davidchess.com may be back tomorrow.
Woo woo!
Wednesday, December 19, 2001 |
chessfamily.org is back!
And I've sent in the request for theogeny; maybe it'll be
back tomorrow.
Saving the best for last... *8)
Tuesday, December 18, 2001 |
Some progress is being made toward moving to a new webhost.
In the meantime, we've added
yet another page of pictures to
the Digital Photographs section, even though no one else can see them
at the moment.
Thursday, November 29, 2001 |
Our original webhost vanishes without warning from the Internet.
davidchess.com, chessfamily.org, and theogeny.com go dark.
The weblog sets up temporary housekeeping on
a pitas page.
Saturday, October 20, 2001 |
Still another page of pictures in
the Digital Photographs section.
(I now have over 1,000,000,000 bytes of pictures on the hard disk!)
Also, Pattan has been made a little
smarter in the last few days.
Wednesday, October 10, 2001 |
Put a link to my photo.net Portfolio page in the
Digital Photographs section.
Self-indulgence Rulez OK!
Wednesday, October 3, 2001 |
Another page of pictures in
the new
Digital Photographs section.
Snap, snap, snap!
Saturday, September 29, 2001 |
Added the
Digital Photographs section
to the PICTURES page,
'cause of I got a digital camera for my birthday, and
I took some pictures with it!
Thursday, July 5, 2001 |
Fixed a few broken links in the Comics section of the
LINKS page, and added a pointer to Bruno.
Saturday, March 25, 2001 |
Gave a Log entry of which I'm particularly fond its own page
The Coder's Tale.
Saturday, February 24, 2001 |
A new Bryce image,
"Snips and Snails", on the
(see notes).
Thursday, February 1, 2001 |
Added the Vasty Houses bibliography
to the WORDS page.
A nascent list of books loosely related to that dream where you
find a door in your house where there didn't used to be one...
Monday, December 18, 2000 |
Finally coded up the maze-generation algorithms that have been
floating around in my head half-formed for aeons, embodied them
in a Perl module, and added a
Mazes page to the TOYS.
(Someday I'll merge that into SLIGE, so as to generate
mazes in which one can battle yucchy undead monsters.)
Monday, October 2, 2000 |
From one of the many pictures I took at the VB2000 conference (see
today's Log entry),
I made a
new splashpage image
for Theogeny.
There are twenty now, so you may have to click a bit to get it
In Place (click on the tiny underscore in the upper-left corner
of the Theogeny splash page to reload just the image, not the
whole page).
Saturday, September 23, 2000 |
A new Bryce image on the
(see notes).
I also redesigned all the pages in the 3D Gallery, but
then decided I liked the old design better and put them
all back.
I'm so conservative...
Wednesday, August 30, 2000 |
Happy roughly-first anniversary of davidchess.com!
I'm up north in that same house again, listening to the same
waves lapping at the shore.
The water's still cold, but we take our daily swim anyway;
no enormous schools of fish yet.
I'm also coding again, but this time it's a big CGI script
for work rather than bells and whistles for the website.
I'm still inordinately fond of the original design!
But I do need to code something better for the
FORUM page...
Friday, August 18, 2000 |
Added a new article ("Internet: Only Weeks to Live?")
and a new banner ad
(for Britney's Guide to
Semiconductor Physics) to
the portal at Theogeny,
Tuesday, August 8, 2000 |
Put up a copy of
a classic posting of mine about
Babelfish invariance, which had somehow been left out of the
alt.hackers file.
Sunday, July 23, 2000 |
Registered the site with the atomz.com
search server, and made a log-style search page
that's linked into various log pages.
I should probably do a main-site style search page, too, and link that
in somewhere appropriate; not sure where it'd best fit in the design,
You can now also buy
davidchess.com merchandise
if for some inexplicable reason you should want to.
Isn't that amazingly silly?
More importantly, you can go to
cafepress.com and start up
your own store with about five minutes work.
Obvious in retrospect, but still somehow mind-blowing...
Thursday, July 20, 2000 |
A new Nomic game has started up,
and a few small additions have been made to the
Problems of Consciousness pages,
including some notes on free will
(see the change log for
Thursday, May 18, 2000 |
Scanned in some odd blobby shapes that I drew on paper, and put them
into a Ballpoint Gallery
off of the PICTURES page.
Thanks to Janet for the scanner expertise!
Wednesday, April 26, 2000 |
Added a silly Windows98 trick to the TOYS
page (down near the bottom).
Wednesday, April 19, 2000 |
A new picture
(Flashlight) on the
the Bryce model for the object pictured is also available, via
the Notes.
Friday, April 14, 2000 |
Yet another new picture
(Athens, 1954) on the
Is this going to be a daily event?
Thursday, April 13, 2000 |
I told the little daughter about the pictures page, and she liked the
idea of having her first Bryce image up there, too, so
it's there!
It's a great image, too (he said, completely unbiased).
Tuesday, April 11, 2000 |
Added a page of notes for the
Bryce images to the
I'm so addicted to words, I even have to stick them on the backs
of my images!
Monday, April 10, 2000 |
New PICTURES page, for the
various Bryce images and stuff (now I can really start consuming
disk space!).
Also, the Log is now available as an XML/RSS feed; see the
question about subscribing on the
About the Log page.
Thursday, March 23, 2000 |
perhaps not one of my best, but topical.
Also a new banner ad.
Tuesday, March 14, 2000 |
Added some of the poetry that knocks around in my head to
the WORDS page:
Proper Lyrics.
Friday, March 10, 2000 |
Tiny additions, mostly bibliographic, to
the Problems of Consciousness.
Wednesday, March 8, 2000 |
Finally finished (at least the first draft of) Anthony's journal
over in the Forked Stick.
(It's under the washbasin in the bathroom on the
second floor
of the Cup and Hen.)
Friday, March 3, 2000 |
Added "Player Versus Player" to the
Comics section
of the LINKS page.
Wednesday, March 1, 2000 |
Added "Live" to WordURL,
and a new picture in the McNabb.
Also I have a cold and sore throat; yucch!
Thursday, February 17, 2000 |
A few new memes in WordURL.
I haven't been touching much on the site lately except
the log.
Obvious question: does daily Weblogging suck up energy from other
things, or does it provide constant and useful lubrication?
Tuesday, February 1, 2000 |
Reconfiguration undone, so everything should be fine again;
continue to let me know if anything's broken, of course.
Monday, January 31, 2000 |
Due to some reconfiguration on the host, many/most of the CGI
scripts on www.davidchess.com and www.theogeny.com are broken.
We hope to have this cleared up soon!
In the meantime, go read a good book or something.
You're spending too much time Web-surfing anyway.
Saturday, January 29, 2000 |
After some talk in the log, started up a little
Nomic game here on the site.
The only place I've thought of to link it so far is the
Projects section of the Links page...
Tuesday, January 25, 2000 |
Added a link to my Amazon page (with my various Amazon book reviews)
to WORDS (right after the link to the old book reviews
over on AOL).
Thursday, January 20, 2000 |
Did considerable neatening up in the
Problems of Consciousness pages,
and put a link on the WORDS page.
Haven't mentioned it in the Log yet; prolly soon.
Wednesday, January 19, 2000 |
Added a set of
COMICS links to the
page, mostly to make it easier to remember them myself!
But you can read them, too...
Friday, January 14, 2000 |
What would happen if we had tons of money, and hired an ad agency
to get people to stop buying so much stuff?
I have no idea, but I've started something
for the WORDS page anyway.
Thursday, January 13, 2000 |
Another toy,
based on a magnetic gizmo called "Kwilt" (or something) that I
got as a present years ago (and have probably since lost).
This and the two previous ones form the framework for a space
of similar toys; I've identified eight points in the space so far,
so I have at least five more toys to implement!
Monday, January 10, 2000 |
Did a two-color version of yesterday's toy,
and linked the two together.
The n-color problem is much harder!
Sunday, January 9, 2000 |
New meditation toy on the TOYS
page for your enjoyment.
It's the JavaScript embodiment of a Tic-Tac box full of scraps of
graph paper that I made as a wee lad.
(I colored one image from it, and hung it in
the McNabb.)
Friday, January 7, 2000 |
Agora Nomic link to the LINKS page, when a note from a
former fellow player reminded me of this old interest of mine.
Also changed several occurrences of "diety" to "deity" on
Theogeny, when a note from
a kind reader pointed them out (how embarassing!).
Thursday, January 6, 2000 |
Added two things to WORDS:
a collection of my postings to
alt.hackers, and
the Thrilling Tale of my first
experience on eBay (with notes on bidding strategies).
Both of interest primarily to me, and of course to scholars
working on their biographies of me.
Thursday, December 30, 1999 |
Added links from the TOYS page to the
PATTAN page.
Pattan itself is still pretty bad!
Or at least primitive.
I need to add more smarts to it, but so far the
time and inspiration haven't coincided.
Vacations are always much shorter when viewed from within!
Added the suffix "Now" to WordURL
Saturday, December 11, 1999 |
Gave pattan (the algorithmic composer) its own
Right now it's only linked from here and from the log; I'll probably
give it a link from the TOYS page in a few days.
Tuesday, December 7, 1999 |
"clitoris.com", which used to be a very amusing redirect to fbi.gov,
has sold out, and now points to, well, about what you'd expect.
So I've taken it off the
portal at Theogeny,
and put up the rather diverting
absurd.org instead.
Sunday, November 28, 1999 |
New top story on the
portal at Theogeny;
straightened up the
About the Log page, messed with
the colors, added a decorative picture and a few more references.
Saturday, November 20, 1999 |
Since the log is the most often-updated thing on the site, I've
given it its own button on the menu-bar over there (and to avoid
button-bloat I moved the content of the old static PROJECTS
page onto the LINKS page).
I also swapped the order of TOYS and WORDS
in the menu, to improve the feng shui.
Thursday, November 18, 1999 |
Finally added glog to the
TOYS page!
Dunno what took me so long.
I still haven't added pruning or archiving, but I suspect if I
waited for that it might be a long wait.
I've also been adding random small things, new sayings on the
splash page, and of course new
log entries, but I don't always
mention stuff like that.
Tuesday, November 16, 1999 |
On the LINKS
page, got rid of Salon (because it's boring), and
added Philip Greenspun (because he's fascinating).
Is it a genuine trend on the Web, that magazine sites are
dull, and interesting sites are personal?
Oh, and AOL seems to have fixed the "users.aol.com" hostname
again, even though the reply I got back from their Webmaster
when I complained was utterly clueless.
Monday, November 8, 1999 |
Clever old AOL seems to have killed off the "users.aol.com" hostname
that I've always used for all my AOL URL's, sigh.
So I've been going around changing them all to "members.aol.com".
I think I've gotten everything on davidchess.com and doomworld.com/slige,
but if you find any links of mine that don't work,
let me know!
Friday, November 5, 1999 |
Put up a couple of family pictures in the Theogeny
splash page picture-pool.
One of them is
on my 40th birthday; the other is
a mysterious woman
on that famous vacation in Maine.
Yet another new
WebLib ("Number Six");
the source of inspiration will be obvious once
you read it.
A whole new toy is coming along; it can be previewed for the time being
here and
it should be on the toys page officially pretty soon.
Knock wood!
Tuesday, November 2, 1999 |
Election Day!
And November already, my my.
Added Robot Wisdom to
the list of Weblogs on the
About the Log page, because I
have to admit I go there pretty often, firehose-like although it is.
Tuesday, October 26, 1999 |
When I saw this picture on the georgewbush.com site, I knew I
couldn't resist; so Theogeny
has yet another new picture
in the set it chooses its splash-page from.
(Also of course more log.)
Sunday, October 23, 1999 |
Bought some design books at Barnes and Noble, and messed around
with the page design in the log area.
Whaddya think?
New Top Story on the
portal on Theogeny;
we'll see how funny it is in a couple of months!
Also a new hacked-together image for Theogeny's splash-page
Friday, October 22, 1999 |
Having over a week's worth of log now, I
split off the first week into the archives.
The current structure makes it pretty easy to read backwards (most
recent to oldest), somewhat more awkward to read the other way.
Have to think about that.
Thursday, October 21, 1999 |
Put links to a few Weblogs / journals / whatevers that I (may) follow
onto the About the Log page.
Random interesting things still show up in the Referer log for
WordURL; another Japanese site,
and various bookmark lists, both personal and public.
It's endemic! *8)
Tuesday, October 19, 1999 |
A few new links and things on the
portal (no
new big stories; still awaiting inspiration),
some little twiddles to Jaiku,
and a new
WebLib! ("Number Five")
Saturday, October 16, 1999 |
Taught Jaiku a few more words and
phrases, and to put colors last in a compound adjective.
Wrote in the log (which will
no longer count as news after today!).
Added a new story to Words: They.
Friday, October 15, 1999 |
Well, OK.
Quite predictably, I suppose, I have succame to the temptation of
having a more voluble and self-indulgent log than this simple news
page; see the log itself for more.
Besides adding the pages and links for the log,
added "this page last updated" tags to the bottoms of many pages,
added a UUA link to the links page, and otherwise twiddled about
here and there.
Oh, and if you were having trouble getting to davidchess.com or
theogeny.com or chessfamily.com over the last couple of days, there
was apparently some problem with something upstream of onepine;
but all seems normal now.
Thursday, October 14, 1999, early |
My gawd!
If part of the attraction of the Web Journal idea was that not many
people were doing it, it's now considerably less attractive.
There must be 4.7 gazillion Web Journals out there; even
the list of Web-Journal Webrings takes up more than one screen.
diarist.net lists over 1800 Web diaries.
Not surprising in retrospect, of course (name two things that are
surprising even in retrospect).
This fecundity (superfluity?) even has its own jargon: a "burb" is
apparently a list of some (tiny) subset of the existing/known
diaries/jounals, gathered together by some common theme or
It's easy to find burbs listing diarists in a particular region,
of a certain age-group, diarists who love cats, diarists who
are obsessed with certain body-parts.
Isn't nature wonderful!
Wednesday, October 13, 1999 |
WordURL suggestion for the day: NewReligiousWindfall.com .
I've been adding little things here and there to Theogeny; a couple
new pretty images at the root, a few new links in the Portal.
Nothing enormous.
One new link in the Forked Stick.
Right near the beginning! *8)
The geegaw.com diarist mentioned WordURL again yesterday,
and we got a few
more hits from there.
What would my paragraph for today say, to avoid the eagles?
That I have fingers, that I have ears, that my heart longs for
vast stretches of quiet and small waves on still water?
That this page feels sort of cramped?
All those big fat buttons...
Tuesday, October 12, 1999 |
Continued interest in weblogs and web diaries (I suppose this very
news page is threatening to become one), partly because I keep finding
them in WordURL.cgi's referer log.
The latest is geegaw.com, which
is notable for having a link to WordURL on its September 1999 page,
for being a site that WordURL is probably able to generate itself,
for being a pretty intelligent Web diary, and for having no indication
of the name or other mundane facts about the person writing...
Some more splash pages on
Theogeny, just because I can't resist.
Up to eleven now, I think!
Sunday, October 10, 1999 |
New toy on the toys page: a Java program that
generates random Haiku ("Jaiku").
See the relevant paragraph on the toys page for history and
Kinda fun! "Trees must awaken / These young eager rivers wait /
Girls run and glow"
Saturday, October 9, 1999 |
Saw a TV ad last night, just images of wholesome people enjoying
their vanilla prosperity with large white teeth and diverse
skin-colors, with the domain "snap.com" in a box in the lower
right corner.
No idea what snap.com actually does, but that's the point;
or beside the point.
I was inspired by this to do a new set of splash screens for
Theogeny; just for
page-design practice really.
Thanks to Media Graphics 10,000 Graphics Pack for the
Whaddya think?
I may or may not keep it.
Friday, October 8, 1999 |
I have a cold. Fleh! On the other hand, I got some free publicity for
Theogeny, by including the portal URL in a copy of the "missing JarJar"
joke-story that I sent to rec.humor.funny and that actually got
posted today. More fame?
So I straightened up and added yet some more new stuff on the
to prepare for this possible flood of visitors.
Not sure how much I like the new lead story; it may need some work.
Also enhanced WordURL.cgi to offer check-links to both NSI and the
(NSI-maintained) multi-registrar whois service, just for completeness.
Thursday, October 7, 1999 |
A new piece of Art in the
on Theogeny (it's at the end, if you go foward).
The usual deep comment on the human condition. *8)
I really want to find the requisite couple of free hours
to do some more exploring of the Forked Stick, but somehow
they never come.
It's not actually the writing that requires all that time;
it's the Getting in the Mood...
WordURL sighting for today: Justin Fletcher, a feller I know from
the Slige world, is apparently working hard to keep his liver
away from the eagles, and he's
put a link to the script in his
for 6 Oct 1999.
I saw it in the referer log, so now you can go read his diary, and he can
see this page in his referer log.
Just to keep the cycles going!
(Today's WordURL suggestion: www.ImpenetrableSteamboat.com .)
Wednesday, October 6, 1999 |
Some new material in the diety
section of Theogeny.com, and a new random ad on the Portal.
Autumn is coming in.
I love autumn.
Margaret accuses me of saying I love whatever season
it is, in every season, but I really do love autumn.
The coolness, the thought of making pies, lighting fires, a
dozen things that I'll actually do and a hundred things that
I've never done and may not ever do, false nostalgia for some
ideal Autumn Country of good smells and only the softest change.
Have an apple.
Friday, October 1, 1999 |
While on the airplane on the way to VB99 (the 1999 Virus
Bulletin International Conference)
and sitting around in hotel corridors waiting
for things during it, I finally coded up the
random-dot stereogram stuff (I wrote it
years ago in REXX, but here it is in Perl, as a nice little module).
Sunday, September 26, 1999 |
A new version of SLIGE
just went out, for any Doom fans out there.
I know, this particular toy doesn't seem to fit my peace-loving
and karmically-correct personality. *8)
A few more pages in the Forked Stick, including some rooms upstairs
at the Cup and Hen.
WordURL sightings for today:
a message-board on NetPond (gathering place of domain-name collectors),
folks looking through the referer logs on Anatole.com and Lingerie.com,
and an odd line in my Referer log citing http://www.geeknews.com/ (a
pro-Microsoft geek-news site), although I can't find any pointer to
this site on that site today.
Interesting factoid: In the period when I've been keeping track
(i.e. after the initial SlashDotting had calmed down),
hits on WordURL from Yahoo-related links now
outnumber those from Slashdot-related links, even if you don't count
the individual who did a Yahoo search on "random url", and liked my
script so much that he hit it 841 times. (Ouch!)
Worked a bit on the algorithmic composer over the weekend, and it now
knows a little about dissonance (see link below, but please don't hit
it more than once every couple of minutes!).
Friday, September 24, 1999 |
More sightings: WordURL.cgi was run by people reading the
New Observer page,
and by at least four people who own domains that WordURL pointed
somebody at, saw it listed in their referer
logs, and came over to see why it was pointing to them.
How circular!
It has just, by the way, struck me how utterly appropriate it was
that my little cgi toy was named "Grouse! Site of the Day" on
Wednesday, my birthday.
Thanks, Universe!
Thursday, September 23, 1999 |
Well, the fame of WordURL.cgi continues; I added a little code to
record the "Referer:" records from hits against the script, and it
turns out that there're now links to it all over the Web,
including the front page of
the "Grouse! Site of the Day",
a meta thereof at www.ursus.net,
the front page of
(which seems to be some sort of Tech portal site in
Japanese), and juiciest of all
a link to it in
(In the "...Searching the Web > Indices to Web Documents > Random Links"
I oughtta start selling ad-space, eh? *8) .
More random updates to the
portal at Theogeny,
just 'cause it's easy; now I see why "joke news" sites are so common...
Wednesday, September 22, 1999 |
Happy Birthday to me!
I am now officially eligible for my own Mid-life Crisis, which
is a great relief all around.
Put up an initial (very bad) draft of an
algorithmic composer, but
am reluctant to mention it on the Toys page, or anywhere else!
Nobody reading this tell SlashDot about it this month, OK?
Also a new "Tech Beat" story and a pointer to urgent.com on the
portal at Theogeny,
just for fun.
Tuesday, September 21, 1999, early |
SlashDot spillover: a friend noticed a pointer to WordURL.cgi on the
fark.com news-pointer site.
Probably they saw it on SlashDot, or someone who saw it there sent
it to them.
In any case, the original SlashDot article and whatever other
repostings it caused are maintaining the hit-rate on that CGI
at two or three per minute, even now that the initial fury has
calmed down.
I'll have to analyze the rest of the data and see how much (if any)
all this has increased traffic to the rest of the site.
Man, it would be easy to fall into the trap of actually caring
about this stuff!
Monday, September 20, 1999 |
SlashDotted!! CmdrTaco posted a short note to the popular
(if slow-loading) geek site SlashDot.org, containing the URL of
the WordURL toy from the toys page.
This caused an amazing flurry of hits on that page: see
figure 1.
OnePine turned the page off for awhile, to reduce the load on their
server (no one likes loading dict/words more than about once a second),
but it seems to be back now.
I will try to think of something more profound to say later;
in any case
is the Article of Doom itself, including a bunch of
comments at about the "usual SlashDot comment" level of quality...
Friday, September 17, 1999 |
Silly rainy-day project: added "Web Libs" to the
toys page.
Written any good Mad Lib(tm) like things that you're willing to
give away?
Send 'em in and I'll add them (modulo personal taste, of course).
Also a pointer to the (um) impressive chiasmus.com on the
portal at Theogeny.
Hurricane Floyd gave us lots of wind and rain and a little
water in the basement, but we were very lucky.
I stayed home yesterday because one of the cars was in the shop
and we thought the kids might have to be fetched from school early,
and not only did I get more work done than I would have in the office,
and avoid driving through the floods,
I also finished up Web Libs.
And how it's an utterly gorgeous clear cool day, smelling of
My favorite!
I think everyone in the world should be forced to write a paragraph
a day of thoughts, events, rants, or whatever, and to put it up on
the Web for everyone to read.
Of course that would imply universal literacy and computer access,
but that's OK!
Anyone who refused to post their daily paragraph could like have
their livers eaten by eagles or something.
Saturday, September 11, 1999 |
Various weekend progress: a new Top Story on the Theogeny portal,
a random-URL generator on the Toys page, and some new branches of
the Forked Stick (see Gail's friend Taffy, and take a the ship a
little ways downriver, for instance).
Friday, September 10, 1999 |
Theogeny.com is live!
I particularly like the portal,
although it doesn't look much like what I first imagined.
I haven't put up a forum-board there yet (have to to real
work sometime), but that's OK.
Imperfection is good (tm).
Thursday, September 9, 1999, early |
Happy 99/9/9! Are we having TEOTWAWKI yet?
Added a pointer to the Dworkin-device typewriter to the Toys page.
DavidChess.com is pretty much all up and running.
I still want to do the Portal and the Forum page before bringing
Theogeny live (although it's currently possible to sneak into
the Vortex via the Dworkin Device).
Also added a pointer to Dad's new page to Links.
Wednesday, September 8, 1999 |
OK, got CGI stuff working on the host (see
this toy for a sneak
preview), and adopted and slightly munged the WWWBoard software for
the Forum page here (and on ChessFamily.org), and started to
actually upload stuff to the real live host.
What a trip...
Friday, September 3, 1999 |
Lots of progress on Theogeny.com, and ChessFamily.com is mostly stable
This morning when Maymay and I went down to the dock to test the water,
there was an enormous school of tiny fish (sardine fish), occupying
our miniature cove at the side of the bay, between our dock and the
rocks that appear, seaweed covered, at low tide.
I've never seen so many fish; there were certainly a hundred thousand,
and I would believe a million.
From a distance, it looked like the cove bottom had become covered
with sand, or like something strange and cloudy was filling the water.
We watched them for a long time, schooling around like a giant single
amoeba, a big three-D vector field,
sending out scouting parties, shrinking away from noises.
Eventually the school split in two, and the smaller half swam
south down the shore toward the next dock down, and vanished.
I remarked that it should be possible to write a simulation of a mass
of fish, and try to figure out what sorts of rules in each fish would
cause all that group behavior.
Maymay called my bluff, of course, and now we have School.pm and
Fish.pm and FishEnv.pm, and she's drawn some little 20x20 icons of
normal fish and brave fish and airplanes and like that, and we have
a run.pl that produces a crude GIF of where the randomly-placed fish
Lots of work remains of course, including Fish::behave(), and
something better than GD-produced GIFs for output...
Wednesday, September 1, 1999
Working on chessfamily.org and theogeny.com over the last couple
of days.
Added The House to the Words page, and went
swimming off the dock with Maymay again at high tide.
The water was much warmer today, for no apparent reason, which is to
say that it was just cold, not like being bathed in ice.
Sunday, August 29, 1999, very late |
Fiddling obsessively with the nascent website.
Added more methods to the Buttoner, and did a primitive simulation of
server-side includes; then used the setTextColor and setPressed methods
of the Buttoner, along with the obvious JavaScript, to make the navigation
buttons in the site active (they light up when the mouse touches them,
and push in when you click on them).
This is silly glitz in some sense; on the other hand all the GIFs
involved are less than 500 bytes long, so I think the Enhanced
User Experience justifies the expense.
Besides, it was fun!
Maybe I'll write up the Buttoner for alt.hackers.
Or even CPAN!
I get grandiose late at night.
The slopping and slapping of the waves on the shore down
below the house is immensely soothing.
What is it about sitting by an open window, by water, with
a cool breeze blowing, that so directly causes the pleasure centers
to fire?
What is my heredity recommending, here?
Sunday, August 29, 1999, later on |
Wrote some content for the ABOUT and
NEWS pages.
I'm sure I'll get to the Real Content soon.
Sunday, August 29, 1999, morning |
Wrote the Buttoner module this morning, sitting
around on the porch of the rental house, looking out over Linekin
I can't decide whether it's absurd or entirely perfect to be working
on code while on vacation in this amazing environment.
After everyone was awake, went swimming off the deep-water boat dock
with Maymay.
It was cold.
top of page
This page last updated
on whatever date's at the top! Silly.