Continuing the ongoing story of Sally Raptor's quest to fulfill her lifetime ambition by being in love with twenty people at once. (Note that the events depicted here take place before those in The Townie Project, because I'm disorganized.)
As we've mentioned before, Sally's younger daughter Gina has introduced her to lots of interesting people.
"Who is that lovely creature in your hot tub?"
"Oh, that's Arcadia Bradshaw; she's a General Studies professor at SSU. One of my favorites."
"She can study me anytime! You've got to introduce us."
And not only professors: Gina also introduced Sally to a few random neighbors that she'd somehow overlooked.
About this time, Sally decided to vary her outfit a bit. The hat is part of her essential self-definition, but she experimented with other parts of the outfit.
Soon love was in the air yet again.
Sally met Dorian Kauker, one of the local police officers, all on her own (I forget exactly how).
And the inevitable quickly followed.
Amidst all these new loves, Sally didn't neglect her old ones. Here's a rare cutaway aerial shot of a Raptor family get-together.
But back to the quest! Somewhere in there, Sally also met Jennifer (of Unsticking Jennifer), and they became friends.
And, natch, somewhat more than friends.
Whew! So we'll leave Sally for the moment, in love with nineteen people, poised on the brink of PermaPlatinum. If everything goes well...
(Like it ever doesn't in this neighborhood...)