An utterly uneventful domestic-bliss update today; because uneventful domestic bliss is good.
After prosperous uneventful childhoods, it was the twins' birthday(s). Olivia beat her brother to the top of the stairs, and got to go first.
She aged up well, in her PJs.
Zachary's turn.
Also in his PJS, natch.
After some quick and eminently photogenic celebratory hugs,
Kaylynn and Ben went downstairs to collapse into bed, and the new teenagers worked on Fun and Hygiene. Here's Zachary back from his bath.
And here's Olivia, freshly scrubbed and with her hair done.
The twins immediately started showing up as walkbys (one at a time) in other lots. The most interesting being that she walked past the Love Nest, met Eleanor Raptor (her Mom's former and perhaps present lover, who rescued her from NPChood), and they quickly became friends.
So there are the Langeraks, proceeding into the future a minute at a time. More updates, no doubt, later on.