Note: This message was posted to the old "wwwboard"-based forum; for the current forum, go here.

I keep these old messages here mostly because people keep finding them in Web searches, and I hate broken links. Most of those searches are about the FunLove virus, or the "Elf Bowl" game. These old postings should not be considered authoritative on those subjects!

For information on FunLove, I suggest anti-virus Web sites, like this and this. If you're wondering if the Elf Bowl game is a virus, try here or here. For Elf Bowl and related games, try a Google search, or perhaps some possibly related website like this or this.

Re: funlove virus FIX

Posted by FunLove Semi-Expert on February 21, 2001 at 18:48:10

In Reply to: Re: funlove virus FIX posted by MOSTPPLARESTUPID.3 on January 04, 2001 at 18:16:13:

This method is less drastic. I've gone down the
fdisk/mbr route about 30 times!

Windows 98/95 Method.
Reboot your computer in DOS Mode.
Do this.
c:\windows\system\del flcss.exe
c:\windows\system\md flcss.exe
This will ensure that the flcss.exe host will not
infect the computer again.

Reboot the machine, don't connect to the network Run your Anti-Virus Program.
Make sure you have the latest product from the Vendor. Make sure your virus-program is not infected.
I have found this method to be "full-proof" I have not seen these machines getting infected again.

NT Workstation/Server.

Do the same as above, but in the c:\winnt\system32
directory. You may have to use ntfs-dos to get to the partition. I've gotten lucky and managed to get rid of flcss.exe while in NT.


Use a logon script to make the flcss.exe directory on the users machine throught the network. Or whatever method you choose. Once you have it in a big nework like mine, it tends to stay around. MAKING THAT FLCSS.EXE DIRECTORY
